Welcome to the second installment of my new feature: words of wisdom wednesdays! I think the picture says it all this week. Happy Wednesday! :)
28 August 2013
27 August 2013
Sleek Face Form Palette in 'Light'
After taking this photo I dropped it on the floor and smashed all the casing (I kid
you not) thankfully the product was left relatively unharmed. I wasn't
best pleased ha ha.
I bought this palette months and months ago. I've been meaning to write a review for a while now but something always seemed to get in the way - you know how it is. Better late than never though I guess!
I've heard great things about sleek, and in particular, their blushes. Having never tried them before this palette had a lot to live up to. It certainly did live up to it's rep! The pigmentation is absolutely fantastic and the formula glides on so easily making it a dream to apply. You really do only need the tiniest bit though.
I use the highlight almost every day now. In my opinion it's the perfect day time highlight, not too much - just enough. The contour shade fits my skin really well (being a paley this can be quite a challenge). I kept dilly dallying before finally ordering the palette in 'light' as they also offer the shade 'fair' but luckily this suits my skin tone well. I'm yet to master the art of contouring though. My skills are severely lacking! Needless to say, the contour shade hasn't been getting much love.
The blush, however, has been getting a lot of Gemma lovin' (yes, I did just say that). When I first saw it in the pan I can't say I was too fussed: but after giving a whirl I've loved it ever since. It has fine gold flakes running through it and you can really see them take effect once applied. Lovely jubbly.
Have you tried anything from sleek? Let me know in the comments if you have a firm fave cus' I'm itching to try out some more of their products!
26 August 2013
The Liebster Award!
This is the second time round I've been lucky enough to be asked to do this but I enjoyed it so much the first time I thought why not do it again! Zoe over at Zoesque nominated me; she runs a brill beauty and lifestyle blog so you should check her out (I particularly like this post where she has put together a really cool 60's inspired tutorial).
If you're not familiar with the 'liebster award' its basically a fun way to discover new blogs. The rules are as follows:
- Answer the questions you've been asked.
- Choose more bloggers to nominate (must have under 200 followers).
- Ask those bloggers a set of 11 new questions.
- Contact the bloggers to let them know they've been nominated!
- What made you start your blog?
I had been reading blogs for ages before finally deciding to start up my own. I guess I was just inspired by others! - What is your holy-grail product that you couldn't live without?
Concealer! I could not be without my trusty concealer: it works wonders. - What is your favourite season fashion-wise?
Autumn/winter. I love dark colours and coseying up with a big jumper. - Is there one style icon (past or present) that you would love to meet?
Zoe Deschanel! I don't think I really dress like her but I absolutely adore her style. She's so cute and quirky. - What would your idea be of a perfect evening?
A night in with my boyfriend drinking whiskey, eating cheesey garlic bread and watching movies (rock and roll, I know). - How would you describe your style?
I wouldn't say I have a 'style'. I'd love to be stylish and fashionable but in all honesty I just chuck on whatever I think looks ok at the time. - If you could only wear make up on one part of your face: eyes, lips, or face - which would you choose?
I'd definitely choose face make up. I'm quite insecure about my skin. - If you could live in any country other than the one you're in, where would you choose?
I think I'd live in Vancouver. I have a lot of family there and it just looks so beautiful. - Are there any books that you could read over and over and still love?
Oh there are so many, I'm such a book worm. My old favourite is 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'. - Who has inspired you the most during your time blogging?
I've always loved DizzyBrunette3 but recently I've started reading blogs that aren't necessarily beauty focused (I absolutely love GingerGirlSays).
- If you could live in another time/decade when would it be and why?
- Which would you rather be: really hot or really cold?
- Who is your favourite band/musician?
- How would you sum up your blog in three words?
- What's your favourite quote?
- If a song had to be played to sum you up, what would it be?
- What's your favourite book?
- Heels or flats?
- If you could have any accent in the world, what would it be?
- What item could you not live without?
- When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Recent(ish) Skincare Additions!
Before I discovered beauty blogs I don't think I ever truly understood my skin. I knew it was oily/combo and in my feeble attempt to overcome this I used harsh products that pretty much stripped my skin of all moisture (in return my skin tried to overcompensate resulting in MORE oil). As you can imagine, that wasn't ideal. Thankfully, after a bit of research and advice I opted for products that were much more gentle. I'm gonna call that the beginning of my love affair with skin care. Since then it seems I have developed a real interest in skin care and the lark!
The most recent additions to my evergrowing skincare stash include Elemis' Pro Radiance Cream Cleanser, the Clarisonic Mia 2, Bioderma and Trilogy's Organic Rosehip Oil (you can read my full review here).
Elemis Pro Radiance Cream Cleanser. £27.60
This is my most recent addition. It's actually branded as an 'anti-ageing' cleanser (yes, I am aware I'm only 21!) but it really appealed to me. A thick, luxurious cleanser that helps defend against daily pollutants whilst purifying and moisturising dehydrated skin to reveal a fresh and radiant looking complexion? Yes please! A tad on the pricey end I admit: but I am a firm believer in investing in my skin. I would much rather fork out a little bit more money to help improve my skin rather than spend it on make up. Plus, I used my 20% off code that I got in my BBB Edit Beauty Box ;). I haven't had it long enough to give you a full review yet but I'm loving it so far. It feels very luxurious and smells divine. It also came with a really cute flannel/mitt that I probably enjoy using just a little bit too much.
Clarisonic Mia 2. £120
Err ma gawd. I had been lusting after this little baby for two years. Two years! I got it as a birthday present from my boyfriend this year (neither Craig or my dad understood my excitement and constant babbling about how cool it was). I've been using this religiously all month in conjunction with my little bottle of Philosophy's 3-in-1 cleanser. My face certainly feels smoother and deeply cleansed: but I am currently going through that annoying 'purging' stage. It's not as bad as I had expected (quite a few of those annoying little bumps but nothing major) and it's been clearing up really quickly. Expect a follow up post in the near future!
Bioderma Micelle Solution. £14.50
I love, love, love this stuff. £14.50 for what is essentially fancy water may seem a little steep but I honestly can't live without this stuff. This is my second bottle and I will most definitely be stocking up again when this one runs out. It's quick and easy at removing face make up and is gentle enough to remove eye make up too. It's a winner! I always use this before cleansing.
Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil. £11.75
I have a post dedicated specifically to this facial oil (titled 'My Skin Saviour' - doesn't the title just say it all?). This is actually the first facial oil I've ever used (who'd of thought using an oil on oily skin would actually help?!) and I absolutely love it. It clears up any decongestion and scars from past blemishes are fading.
24 August 2013
Reliving My Childhood!
Ah, fairy cakes. Good ol' fairy cakes. Aren't they the stuff that childhood memories are made of? I remember every time I visited my nanna & grandad there was always a fresh batch of yummy fairy cakes waiting for me. I was an incredibly picky child and insisted on eating them plain (no icing, no buttercream, nothing haha). Thankfully I've moved on from those days and I'm open to new weird and wonderful recipes.
It's not just kids that get to have all the fun though: adults can indulge in some fairy cake goodness too! Whether they're kept plain or baked with more extravagant toppings I'm sure there will be something to tickle your taste buds. They're so simple to make and it's really fun to add something a little different into the mix. I particularly like the sound of 'baileys & chocolate', 'cola cupcakes', 'chocolate & peppermint', and 'cosmopolitan cocktail' (these look extremely delicious).
Today though, I present you with good old fashioned fairy cakes.
After dabbling around with a few different recipes I think I've finally found the best mix. My grandad (who likes to think he is a cake making pro) tried and tested these and I got a thumbs up from him. Something that does not come easily ;). They are tasty and light and "not as heavy as the last batch" (grandads compliments come in funny ways).
Fairy Cake Recipe (makes 12)
So to make these yummy cakes all you'll need is:
Today though, I present you with good old fashioned fairy cakes.
After dabbling around with a few different recipes I think I've finally found the best mix. My grandad (who likes to think he is a cake making pro) tried and tested these and I got a thumbs up from him. Something that does not come easily ;). They are tasty and light and "not as heavy as the last batch" (grandads compliments come in funny ways).
Fairy Cake Recipe (makes 12)
So to make these yummy cakes all you'll need is:
- 100g softened butter
- 100g self raising flour
- 100g caster sugar
- 2 eggs
- Vanilla essence (not essential but I like to add a few drops into the mix!)
Mix together the softened butter and caster sugar.
Sift the self raising flour into the mix and add the eggs. Whisk until creamy and smooth.
If you want to add in some vanilla essence now is the time to do so (I put a cap full in).
If you want to add in some vanilla essence now is the time to do so (I put a cap full in).
Spoon mix into the cake cases (about 2/3).
Cook for 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown. I always like to check that they are fully cooked by poking a slim skewer into the centre. If it comes out clean then they're cooked.
All that's left to do now is decorate! What you'd like to do is up to you: icing, butter cream the possibilities are endless. I decided to ice mine and throw on a few chocolate sprinkles (for good measure!).
All that's left to do now is decorate! What you'd like to do is up to you: icing, butter cream the possibilities are endless. I decided to ice mine and throw on a few chocolate sprinkles (for good measure!).
21 August 2013
Words of Wisdom Wednesday | #1
It seems I've tried time and time again to put a bit of order into my blog (I'm talking about weekly features etc). But alas, they always seem to flop. I am, however, happy to present you with my most recent idea: 'Words of Widsom Wednesdays!'.
Like many, I am a tad addicted to Pinterest. I have tons of boards (the current count is 16!) but what I love the most is their 'quotes' section. Who doesn't love reading a good ol' motivational quote as a pick me up from a rather shitty (pardon my French) day?
So today my friends I will leave you with this!
Greatness does not happen overnight: it takes a lot of time and hard work. Keep at whatever you're doing. It will all be worth it in the end!
P.S. If you would like to join me in my Pinterest obsession please feel free to follow me! My username is (you guessed it) duggydimples. Have a good Wednesday :)
19 August 2013
Bourjois Cream Blush in 'Nude Velvet' | Review
How many times do you think I will write the words 'cream blush' in this post? Current count: 5.
I'm still not completely sold on the cream blush concept (given the chance I'd choose powder blush any day) but I've got to admit that Bourjois cream blushers really do give my powder blushers a run for their money. Is that a known phrase to everyone or only to those that live in Cumbria?
The formula is SO nice. It glides on seamlessly and it's easily blended with the use of a brush or your fingertips (fuss free = good in my book). Applied lightly it provides a nice wash of colour to the cheeks but it can be easily 'built up' for a more intense look. As I said earlier I'm somewhat of a cream blush novice, and I think it's pretty impossible to apply too much of this. Don't worry cream blush newbies - you will not end up looking like a clown!
'Cream blush' word count: 9.
13 August 2013
Illamasqua's Liquid Metal in 'Electrum'
I received this in my BBB Beauty Edit Box. Having never owned anything by Illamasqua I didn't really know what to expect. Illamasqua describe the shade 'electrum' as an antique gold and it is very much that. I don't often wear gold shades so I was worried that it wouldn't get much use.
Nevertheless, I gave it a whirl and I must say I'm very impressed. Illamasqua describe the liquid metal range as a 'rich and highly pigmented metallic cream that grabs full attention wherever it's applied. Smooth onto eyes, face and body with fingers or a
brush and prepare to take the spotlight'.
It has the most divine creamy texture that blends seamlessly. It's also very buildable. As I said earlier, I'm not a huge fan of wearing gold on my eyes so I apply a thin layer to keep it looking subtle. But it's just as easy to create a more intense look - which is really nice for an evening/smokey look by layering it a little.
Have you tried anything from the liquid metal range? I'm really interested in trying out Illamasqua's cream pigments (if they're anything like this then I'm sure I'd fall in love with them too).
10 August 2013
Life Lately... #4
Homemade cinnamon muffins // Having fun with my nephew and their new dog, Holly // Mine + Craig's attempt at baking a coconut + lime loaf // Michael Kors watch! // Myself + Craig before heading out for birthday celebrations // Getting terrorised by my two favourite boys // All time fave meal // I got shellac'd // My cheeky £8 skirt!
The past few weeks have consisted of baking, eating out a lot, spending time with my two fave boys and birthday shenanigans. I turned 21 last Saturday (hence the b.e.a.utiful Michael Kors watch pictured above!) and I was so thankful for all the lovely things gifted to me. I got a fair few beauty bits and bobs so I'll probably make a separate post telling you all about them! One I'm particularly excited about is my clarisonic mia 2! Eek.
P.S. The skirt pictured above (£8 what a bargain?!) was inspired by the lovely Charlotte over at GingerGirlSays. If you haven't checked out her blog already I highly recommend you do. She blogs about a ton of different stuff and her wicked sense of humor really shines through in her writing. You won't be dissapointed!
5 August 2013
Models Own 'Purple Blue' Beetlejuice
For some reason, this polish reminds me of petrol. That's not a bad thing though. I love the smell of petrol... is that weird?
I'm already a big fan of models own nail polishes. They always seem to last quite a while without chipping and they have a brill colour range. I picked this 'Purple/Blue' shade up from their beetle juice range a while back. It's a dark shade that has fine flecks of purple and blue glitter running through it. It also tends to change shades depending on the lighting. Very cute!
Have you tried anything from models own before? My favourite shades (that I own) have got to be 'Pink Fizz' and 'Nude Beige'.
2 August 2013
NEOM Moroccan Blush Rose Organic Hand Cream
This is the first product I have ever tried from NEOM! I've heard wonderful things about the brand and, in particular, their candles. I got this 50ml Complete Bliss: Moroccan Blush Rose Organic Hand Cream (who thinks of these ridiculously long names?!) in my BBB Edit Beauty Box.
The first thing I noticed about this hand cream was it's divine scent. I'm not normally a fan of rose scented things, but the addition of black pepper and lime creates a really fresh fragrance. The cream itself has a lovely texture that absorbs quickly and doesn't leave an oily residue.
As hand creams go, this is a good one. I personally wouldn't shell out £20 on myself for a hand cream as there are some really good cheaper alternatives available. However, I would definitely purchase this for someone else as I think it would make a really nice gift!
Have you tried anything from NEOM?
1 August 2013
My Skin Saviour! (Trilogy Certified Organic Rosehip Oil)
I've been using Trilogy's Certified Organic Rosehip Oil religiously every night for the past 6 weeks. I didn't originally plan on posting a review til much later on - but the results I've had already are wonderful and I just can't contain my excitement!
This little wonder product has left me feeling so much happier in my skin. I've suffered quite badly over the past two years with hormonal acne and because of this I was left with scars and hyper-pigmentation. On top of all that my skin appeared very dull and just abit lackluster. Since using this product my skin has become radiant, the scars are fading, my skin tone is starting to even out and (dare I say it) I've noticed the pores on my cheeks have significantly reduced. Don't get me wrong - they are still there, but they have definitely become less noticeable.
I have oily/dehydrated skin. This product has helped hydrate my skin whilst reducing it's overall oiliness. It seems a strange concept to get your head around, but applying a facial oil (to seemingly oily skin) really does help to add moisture without leaving skin feeling oily. Brilliant!
I would absolutely recommend this product to anyone. I think it's a great all-rounder. The natural ingredients (a blend of rosehip seed oil - yep that's all!) really appeals to me as well. After all, the less gunk we put on our faces is surely for the better.
If you're on the hunt for a good, fair priced (£11.75 for 20ml) facial oil I would absolutely advise checking this out!
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